Augmented Reality collaboration with Paperclip Penguin

We’re excited to announce we’ve teamed up with greeting card company Paperclip Penguin to create an augmented reality vision of their greeting cards. The cards are beautifully designed with some really nice bold colors so it should be a lot of fun seeing where we can take this. We’ve been looking at using the open source ARToolkit or Vuforia for the AR image recognition part and are currently weighing up the pro’s and cons of both. Check out some of the early release screenshots below!



New offices

Its been a busy few months at Suchworks!

We’ve nicely settled into our office space at Google Techhub on Bonhill street near Old Street. Its a great space for meeting other tech companies and getting and sharing advice wth one another. Beer and pizza seems to be a recurring theme there which is always a bonus after a hard working week!